che sia in raso, in seta, in pizzo valencienne o semplicemente un velo essa non dovrà mai mancare!La sottoveste per noi donne è il must del guardaroba, rasenta l'essenza della femminilità... sensuale, avvolgente e impenetrabile... impalpabile sotto un abito, ma che all'occorrenza può davvero diventare l'outfit giusto della giornata!Sapientemente accostata ad una Mary Jane in satin ed una stola vi accompagna per l' coccola col suo abbraccio in casa con cardigan oversize e ballerine...e vi rende uniche col calare della sera con un sandalo e una stola di organza...
it is satin, silk, lace or Valenciennes simply a veil it will never fail! The petticoat is a must for us women's wardrobe, it borders the essence of femininity ... sensual, enveloping and impenetrable ... impalpable under a dress, but if necessary can really become just the outfit of the day! Expertly turn to Mary Jane in satin and a stole accompanies you for a drink ... pampers you with its embrace at home with oversize cardigans and dancers ... and makes you unique with nightfall with a sandal and a stole of organza ...
it is satin, silk, lace or Valenciennes simply a veil it will never fail! The petticoat is a must for us women's wardrobe, it borders the essence of femininity ... sensual, enveloping and impenetrable ... impalpable under a dress, but if necessary can really become just the outfit of the day! Expertly turn to Mary Jane in satin and a stole accompanies you for a drink ... pampers you with its embrace at home with oversize cardigans and dancers ... and makes you unique with nightfall with a sandal and a stole of organza ...
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