oggi ho intenzione di proporvi il mio outfit da serata con gli amici (serata intima per festeggiare una laurea) in pizzeria... alla base dei nostri outfits la semplicitá (non lo strafare) é la parola d'ordine!
Guardate un pó se le nostre proposte vi piacciono!
skinny jeans, stivali cavallerizza, blusa in chiffon, giacca in lanetta manica 3/4, orologio swatch, bracciale MiniPá, orecchini chandelier
Context is always important, this is one of the points on which I insist Bree and Angela often, because it's bad to feel inadequate and sometimes our outfits do not help us wrong ... indeed! Our task is also to offer simple suggestions, based on the theme of the day, which can go from birthday party to that degree, for an evening with friends you do not even know how it will turn, wedding outfits, from session graduation, etc..;
today I'm going to offer my outfit evening with friends (intimate evening to celebrate a bachelor's degree) in pizzeria ... the basis of our outfits the simplicity (not overdoing it) is the watchword!
Watch a pó if our proposals you like!